Notes from BPU Sri Lanka - Second Year

BPG. 202 – Mahayāna Buddhist Philosophy 


A general knowledge of the emergence of the Mahāyāna philosophy, its background and an analytical survey of the word „Mahāyāna“ with greater emphasis on the following topics is expected here.
 I. To identify(?) Mahāyāna sūtra literature, its novel concepts and novel trends
 II. Madhyamaka sūnyatā philosophy: the analysis and usage of the concept of sūnyatā; application of the concept of sūnyatā in the clarification of the following: cause and effect, origination and cessation, action and agent, being non-being, saṅsāra and nirvāṇa, dependent origination, sūnyatā and middle path; dialectical method and its usage; the difference in conventional truth and absolute truth.
 III. Yogacara Vijnānavāda: the definition of the meaning of cittamatrata or Vijnāptimatrata which forms the central concept of this system – Alaya vijnāṇa, Kliśta mano vijnāṇa and Pravrti vijnāṇa; analysis of the theory of truth and idealism; different aspect of truth and its nature; idealistic analysis of sūnyatā and dependent origination.
 IV. Mahāyāna Buddhist Ethics: Bodhisatva ideal and way of living; the Bodhicitta and its origination, the Bodhisatva pranidhana, the Bodhisatva's lokarthacariya and the religious discipline of the Bodhisatva.

Recommended Reading:
 1. The Central Philosophy of Buddhism T. R. V. Murti, London, 1955
 2. Buddhist thought in India E. Conze, London
 3. The Dialectical Method of Nāgarjuna K. Bhattacariya, E. H. Johnson and A. Kunst, (Vigrahavyavartani) Delhi, 1978
 4. The Yogacara Idealism A. K. Chaterjee, Varanasi, 1975
 5. Mahayana Sutralankara Ed. S. Levi, Paris
 6. Mahayana Buddhism Nalinaksha Dutt, Delhi, 1978
 7. The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana Th. Stcherbatshky, Ed. Jaideva Singh, Delhi
 8. Nagarjuna's Philosophy K. Venkataraman, Delhi
 9. Introduction to Madhyamaka Philosophy Jaidev Singh, Delhi
 10. Mahayana Sutra Sangraha, Part I. Ed. P. L. Vaiya, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, No. 17, Dharbhanga, 1961

Examination Questions

 Examine on what basis the Buddhist followers were categorized as Mahāyāna and Hīnayāna by the Mahāyānists.
 Discuss the factors which influenced the origin of Mahāyāna Philosophy.
 Point-out the special place which altruism occupies in the Mahāyāna Bodhisattva concept.
 Examine with reference to sources the concept of Trikāya in Mahāyāna Buddhism.
 Write an adequate note on the Mahāyāna sūtra literature.
 Point-out the special place Nāgarjuna occupies as a pioneer of Mādhyamika philosophy.
 Explain how the principal of Paiccasamuppāda in early Buddhism became the basis for the origination of the Mādhyamika Philosophy.
 Examine the utilitarian value of Mādhyamic teaching of Śūnyatā for the explanation of connection between cause and effect (hetu-phala).
 Point-out how Yogācārins explain everything as a Vijñāptimātra.
 Write an adequate note on any two of following:
  i. Bodhicitta
  ii. Ālayaviññāṇa
  iii. Ācariya Vasubandhu
  iv. Āryadeva
 v. Vijñāptimātratāsiddhi.

 Clarify the interpretation in Mahāyāna literature regarding the terms Mahāyāna and Hīnayāna.
 Discuss how the dharma theory of Abhidhamma influenced the origin of Śūnyatā philosophy.
 Explain the Trikāya concept and examine the Nikāya teachings connected with that concept.
 'The traces of the later Buddhist philosophical traditions could be observed in the Nikāyas'. Examine.
 Explain the concept of Mahāyāna that there is no difference between Saṃsāra and Nirvāṇa.
 Elucidate the causes of the origination of a separate suttas called prajñāpāramitā and explain its main teachings.
 Examine how a distinct change occurred in the existing religious structure of Buddhism because of the Mahāyāna Bodhisattva concept.
 Explain how the Mādhyamika and Yogacārā traditions differ from each other with reference to the interpretation of the connection between the cause and effect.
 Comment on how the Yogācārins used the concept of Vijñāptimātrata to highlight their response regarding external dharmas.
 Write notes on two of the following:
  1. Śūnyatā
  2. Sambhogakāya
 3. Manana vijñāṇa
  4. Ārya Nāgarjuna
  5. Ārya Vasubandhu

  Discuss the factors that led to the emergence of Mahāyāna Buddhism.
  Give an account of the concept of Buddha in Mahāyāna Buddhism and discuss whether the concept of Trikāya is based on early Buddhism.
  Elucidate distinctive characteristics of Mahāyāna Buddhism which differenciate it from Theravāda Buddhism.
  Give an account of the Bodhisattva ideal in Mahāyāna Buddhism.
  How far is it reasonable for the Mādhyamikas to use the term śūnyatā to mean the theory of dependent origination.
  Give a brief exposition of the theory of two-truths in Mādhyamika philosophy.
  „The empirical world is a mere projection of the consciousness.“ Explain this in accordance with the Vijñānavāda standpoint.
  Point out the arguments raised by ther ealists against the idealists and explaiin how the idealists refuse them.
  Explain the function of the consciousness in the evolutionary process of the empirical world as pointed out by Vijñānavādins.
  Write notes on any two of the following topics:
   i. Catuskoti
  ii. Dharmakāya
   iii. Alaya Vijñāṇa
  iv. Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra
   v. Lankāvatāra Sūtra

 Examine how far the teachings of the Buddha and various incidents in the Buddhist history led to the emergence of Mahāyāna Buddhism.
 „The Mādhyamika“ system of philosophy arose because of the inconsistencies of the interpretation of early Buddhism by later Buddhist schools.“ Explain.
 Discuss how far the teachings of emptiness found in early Buddhism influenced the concept of emptiness of Mādhyamika philosophy.
 Give an account of the theory of relativity as taught in the Mādhyamika philosophy.
 Explain the view of the Mādhyamika's, that „the realization of Nirvāna depends on understanding the conventional and the absolute truth.“
 „The difference between Sasāra and Nirvāna is only conceptual.“ Explain.
 Review the Yogacara teachings of consciousness (viññāṇa).
 Outline the development of the concept of Bodhisatta.
 „By establishing the Trikāya theory the Mahāyānists have elevated the Buddha to the position of a super human God.“ Examine.
  Write notes on any two of the following:
a) Dilemma (Dvikoti)
b) Soullessness of person (puggala nairātmya)
c) Ven. Vasubandhu
d) Sarvastivāda sect
e) Mahāyāna sūtra literature


Examine how the seeds of Mahāyāna are contained in Early Buddhism.

Give a detailed account of the mahāyāna Sūtra literature.

„Dependent origination is voidness (śūnyatā).“ Discuss the above statement with reference to Mādhyamika philosophy.

Assess the influence of 'Trikāya' concept on the development of Mahāyāna philosophy.

Discuss the Mahāyāna view that there is no difference between Sasāra and Nirvāṇa.

Explain how the Bodhicitta is characterized by Mahākarunā Mahāprajñā.

Describe key differences between Mahāyāna and Hīnayāna.

Acceptance of dharma-nairātmyatā is a cardinal feature in Mahāyāna Buddhism. Discuss.

Comment on the function of ālaya viññāṇa of Yogācāra tradition.

Write notes on any two of the following:

i. Nāgarjuna

ii. Non-substantiality (Dharma Nairātmya)

iii. Bodhi-citta

iv. Personality view

v. Sautrāntika sect


Mahāyāna emerged as a result of investigating the implied meanings of certain concepts in early Buddhism.“ Discuss.

Explain the gradual development of Mahāyāna in the light of information found in the Mahāyāna sūtras.

Illustrate how the concept of 'śūnyatā' took a new turn in Mahāyāna.

Examine the speciality of the Mahāyāna view point of the doctrine of Pratītyasamutpāda.

Examine whether there is a contradictory explanation of Nirvāṇa in Theravāda and Mahāyāna sources.

Point out the mutual relationship between the two truths of Saṃvṛti and Paramārtha in Mādhyamika philosophy.

Describe how the concept of cittamātratā is conducive to understand the reality of the external world.

Examine whether the cocnept of Alayavijñāṇa presented by the Yogācāra idealists is found in the Pāli Canonical texts in its germinal form.

Make a survey of the expected objective in the concept of Dharmakāya in Mahāyāna.

Examine the development of Bodhisattva ideal in Mahāyāna on the basis of relevant sources.